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Please remember to backup your client names  and birth dates regularly!

Problem: Prints a few?then Stops Printing.

If you mark several names in the name list for printing, clicked print, and once the printing begins, it stops unexpectedly, there are two likely  causes, first you have run out of hard drive disk space on drive C: during printing, or CardWare may be having a memory sharing conflict with your printer driver and other software running in the background.

An unfortunate effect of having an error during printing  is that it may crash CardWare and corrupt the customer name list. This might cause you to need to uninstall and re-install CardWare, and restore your client names from a  backup file (and we hope you have a backup.)

When you select several names for printing from CardWare's  name list, the program creates a print file on  your hard drive for each name. The program then sends the print files to windows print manager.  Windows print manager processes the print files  and sends them to your printer for printing one at a time. If you do not have enough hard drive space available at time of printing, the program will lockup. Spectrum Unlimited suggests that you have at least 10 megabytes of free hard drive space on drive C: when running CardWare.

Please make regular backups of your client data  in CardWare. Depending on the version you have,  their is button titled export (main screen, lower right corner) and/or backup. Use this feature  to make regular backups of your client data. After  entering a list of names, do a backup. If you  need to un-install and re-install CardWare you can restore (or import) your client names from a current backup.

First, being sure no other programs are running  in the background when printing. You may also want to try starting windows in safe mode when printing client birthday greetings with CardWare.
Additional solutions include the following:


.  Try another printer driver.
. Try another printer.
. Try the program on another computer.
. Check that your printer is turned on.
. Check that your printer has paper.
. Check that your printer is plugged into  your computer printer port.
. Check that your printer does not have  error messages. If their is an error message, please correct the related problem and try printing  again.

Assuming that you went through the checklist above and  CardWare is still locking up during printing,  we provide 3 additional options. Option 1 suggests  you avoid using the name list feature and print  greetings one at a time. Option 2 suggests you  try printing with the printer off line. Option  3 suggests you try windows troubleshooting system to detect problems.

Option 1. Print One At A Time  (do not use the name list feature)

Avoid  using the name list feature altogether.
Enter one name and birth date and click print, and repeat for each client.

Option 2. Printer On Pause  (printing with CardWare closed)

Try  putting your printer on pause, then run CardWare  and send print jobs to the printer driver while your printer is off line, then close CardWare  and release the printer pause whereby letting  the print jobs go to the printer with CardWare  turned off. This option sometimes works if the  problem with printing is related to a major memory conflict with another program on your computer.

Printing with CardWare turned off.
(Applies if you are printing one greeting, or  more using the name list option.)

1. Click windows Start button (lower left corner),  move the mouse pointer to Settings, and click  Printers.

2. Double click the left mouse button on the default  printer-it's the printer with a black circle with  check mark on it to open the printer settings window.

3. Looking along the top menu bar, find the word  Printer-click it, and from the pull down menu, click on Pause Printing This puts a check mark next to the menu option-pause printing.

4. Minimize the printer driver window, run CardWare,  mark names in the name list, click print-then close CardWare.

Open the printer driver window (as described in steps 1 -3 above) click on Pause Printing whereby un-checking that feature and releasing the printer driver  to un-spool the print jobs to the printer.

Option 3 Use the Windows Troubleshooter

Printing is handled by your printer driver, and windows print manager. If you are not able to print after  trying the suggestions outlined above, you should use the windows help system to troubleshoot possible causes. The following tips are intended to direct you to the windows Print Troubleshooting system.

Windows  98 Printer Troubleshooting
Windows 98 has a built-in printer trouble shooting program that guides you through a series of steps  to help identify what is causing your printer not to print. Open the Printer Troubleshooter and follow the onscreen guide. To locate the Printer Troubleshooter, click on Start (lower left corner) and click on Help. In the help window, click on the tab labeled Index, click on the input field  and type Printer, in the scroll window look for Troubleshooting. Double click on Troubleshooting.  Follow the onscreen help guide.

Windows  95 Printer Troubleshooting
Windows 95 has a built-in printer trouble shooting program that guides you through a series of steps  to help identify what is causing your printer not to print. Open the Printer Troubleshooter and follow the onscreen guide. To locate the Printer Troubleshooter, click on Start (lower left corner) and click on Help. In the help window, click on the tab labeled Index, click on the input field  and type Print Troubleshooting, in the scroll window look for Print Troubleshooting. Double  click on Print Troubleshooting. Follow the onscreen  help guide.

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